I chose to compare dirty samples, because I find that the fuller frequency range of a distorted tone allows me to more easily evaluate tonal differences.
Centre of speaker, facing directly at it, 1 inch away
Tinny and brittle, however I like the way it picks up the grit in the upper mids. Could be attractively disgusting in a combination.
Rear of the speaker, 15cm from the cone
Very scooped and metallic with too much boomy bass and thin treble fuzz but probably useful in a combination.
Towards the side of cone, facing inwards, 1 inch away
A little scooped and thin with fair amount of treble fuzz. Definitely useful for contributing upper-mids and treble fuzz.
Next to other 57 but facing perpendicular to amp face
Very close in-your-face sound with much treble. Needs more smooth body in mids, but useful close ingredient.
On opposite side of speaker perpendicular to amp face
Tinnier and sounds further away than the 57s. I like the upper-mid bite. More mids which could be useful. Slight plastic tinnyness compared to raw-sounding 57s.
1 metre from amp facing at it
Extended treble is audible and could be useful. Could fatten another tone, also bass sounds tighter than close-mics.
Very sorry that the samples are too long, we had some issues and I could only get mp3s which I didn't want to edit and recompress, so I left them. Also the jazz-funk/metal song we began is here if you want a listen!